This is the German Naval Jack (Kriegsschiffgösch) of 1903-1918. Its colors are black, white and red, with an Iron Cross in the center. In use since the 13th century, a Black Cross on a white background was used by medieval Teutonic Knights.
This is a replica flag of the German Grand Admiral of German Navy under Adolf Hitler, the Kriegsmarine. The rank is comparable
This is the flag of the Ordnungspolizei (OrPo), the “Order Police” from 1936 to 1945. Rare and difficult to find flag.
This was the flag of national civilian police organization under the Third Reich, known as the Ordnungspolizei or Orpo (English: Order Police).
The Deutsch Reicht Flag is the color for the Deutsch Reicht empire. The black, red, and white come from the arms, a
Japanese World War 2 Flag Made in USA This is an American made flag of our toughest, most durable nylon fabric. It
This is the German Naval Jack (Kriegsschiffgösch) of 1903-1918. Its colors are black, white and red, with an Iron Cross in the center. In use since the 13th century, a Black Cross on a white background was used by medieval Teutonic Knights.